Spring Game
Portland State University
The Good Guys on Both Sides.
Clock is Ticking…
Hillsboro stadium
March 10, 2022
The start of the season is always on our minds as atheltes. As we prepare our minds and bodys over the course of the off season all we can think about is lacing up the cleats, throwing that protective hat over our head, mouth piece in the middle of the clinched jaw. Sometimes the anticipation is met with little micro doses of the real deal.
Most years in Oregon the early spring is still cold with a soft winter wind. Nothing short of that on a brisk March evening at Hillsboro Stadium. With no rain in sight and a beautiful sunset as a back drop behind the family and friends in the stands attending the scrimmage, one thing was on the mind of these guys; COMPETE.
With every sleep our minds drift off to the thoughts of what we want to become and be known for. We only get so many opportunities to shine bright in the spotlight in the pursuit of our purpose. And its in moments like tonight that we are able to elevate our confidence as the pressure of a win is limited to bragging rights after the final whistle to the scrimmage is blown.
Family Over Everything
At the end of the day, no matter the competition; WE ARE FAMILY.